Friday, May 30, 2008

Let the Summer Begin!

... With sitting in a hospital surgery waiting room. Fun. My dad has to have his femoral (thigh?) arteries "rotorooted" as he says. He did fine. He's in ICU at least overnight.

He's already complaining about things, so I'm sure that means he'll be fine. :)

On a brighter note, school has ended and summer has begun! No more students (or parents) for 2 whole months! I don't mean to complain. I do love my job. It's just that I also love the SUMMER! Pretending to be a house wife, reading books, organizing for next year, vacations, sleeping later, having lunch with the girls at actual restaurants (as opposed to the teacher's lounge) are all very pleasing summer activities to me.

I got to spend some time with Laura and her two sweet kiddos the other day. M is such a charmer! Littlest Bit slept the whole time, but when I held her, she was facinated by my hair color. She's a girl after my own heart! :) It was really nice to catch up with Laura and shock her husband by being on his couch when he arrived home.

From here on out is summer mode. Wearing my nose ring 24/7, doing crazy things with my hair... Shorts and tshirts and make-up only when I want to and NOT because I feel like I have to! Woo hoo!!

Slightly over a month before we go to the UK! Wooo hooo! I've got to get to the gym and kick my butt some so that I'm only a small mess when we're hiking around the beautiful island. :)

Let me know if you want to hang out... I've got nothin' but time...:)

Monday, May 19, 2008


This is the most ridiculous thing I've seen as of late.

Don't scientists have something better to do? Cure for cancer? Alzheimer's? AIDS? Anyone? Anyone?

Monday, May 5, 2008

Back in the LBK

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. We had to hit the ground running again when we were home. I think I'll finish the posts about the Pacific Northwest tonight.

We have 18 days left of school!! Yeee haw!!! :)