Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sweet Times!

How much fun did I have this weekend?

I had the best time with Jonathan and Meredith... AND LUKE. Meredith had to put up with me talking to her stomach every 45 seconds. It's a good thing they love me, or they would be so annoyed. Jonathan told us that we had to make our decisions on moving (whenever we get around to that) upon where they are living at the time. We suggested that we might like to live in western Europe, but he said, "No." Then, he recanted on the condition that he and Mere are in Spain. But who knows. Anyway, it's nice that someone wants us to be near them.

We also went to a shower for them and saw Justin and Holly! It was so fun to catch up with them. I hadn't thought for a long time about how well I got along with Justin and was pleased to find that I got along well with Holly, too! (I didn't know her very well, back in the day) The girls from Mere and Jonathan's SF group were way cool. I also got to show off my new tattoo. I felt so cool.

Tim-Dawg and I are going to Seattle and Vancouver starting on Thursday and I am excited AND overwhelmed all at the same time. Hopefully, I'll get everything done in time to be REALLY excited. I just have to get all the sub junk done by tomorrow.

I've got one more thing to say to make Jonathan laugh before I go.


Oh, and tell Mere and Luke that I love them!


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